
Dalmatia is a typical Mediterranean region and almost all varieties in this region are indigenous.

A parent pair of varieties has been identified by variety Plavac mali, which are also autochthonous Dalmatian varieties Kaštelanski crljenak or Pribidrag and is identical to the famous Californian variety Zinfandel and Italian Primitivo, and the other variety is Dobričić, an autochthonous variety grown only on the island of Šolta and is used to repaire color to other wines.

Vugava is another indigenous Dalmatian variety, the most widespread on the island of Vis. It is used for the production of quality and strong Dalmatian white wines, but also sweet prošek.

Babić, like Plavac mali in fertile fields of the hinterland, gives wines of average quality, while in the sparse rocky area it gives top results. Debit (Bjelina, Čarapar, Debit bijeli, Bilina, Debić, Pagadebit, Puljižanac) is a late variety of white grapes. It probably originates from Italy, and the wines made from its grapes are balanced and drinkable.

The most difficult period in the history of Dalmatian viticulture was during the period of plant lice phylloxera, (1894-1918), but in the same period the so-called “Wine clause”, which enabled the import of cheap Italian wines. The consequence was a large emigration of the inhabitants of Dalmatia, because in the 19th century many Dalmatians lived off the vine. Dalmatia is the region in Croatia where the grapevine has had the greatest impact on human life.